Journal Article: WI scrapbooks and community archives: women’s experiences of record-keeping in 1960s rural England, Archives and Records 44, no. 3 (2023): 256-273.
Seminar paper: Generational histories of aristocratic scrapbooking in the Esher family 1890-1940, presented at
- Family Archives and their Afterlives conference and
- Celebrating Preservation and Access, a two-day conference to mark the 50th Anniversary of Churchill Archives Centre
Contributor to Women’s Land Army Podcast, On the Record, National Archives Podcast
Women’s suffrage research guide, Churchill Archives Centre
Article: Women’s Land Army Index Card Masterclass, Who Do You Think You Are? magazine, March 2023
Blog: Churchill College Student Spotlight celebrating 50 years of women at the college
Seminar paper: Scrapbooking and the Erotic Imaginary: Archiving Sexual Subjectivities in Post-War Britain, Cultural History Seminar, Cambridge
Conference paper: Community scrapbook competitions and grassroots recordkeeping in 1960s rural England, 10th International Conference on the History of Records and Archives
Blog: Featured in Doing History in Public’s Historian Highlight Series
Article: Platinum jubilee: how Britain’s children captured the Queen’s coronation in scrapbooks 70 years ago, The Conversation
Blog: A Very British Scrapbooking Scandal, History Workshop Journal Blog
Presentation: “Self-confident for the future”: The founders of Lucy Cavendish College, Lucy Cavendish College Benefactors’ & Legators celebration
Conference paper: ‘“Keep the cutting for the scrap-book”: Adeline and Maurice Hankey’s scrapbook diary collection’, Keeping and making diaries conference, Churchill Archives Centre
Diaries research guide, Churchill Archives Centre
Journal Article: Tiia Sahrakorpi & Cherish Watton, Coming of Age in Postwar Germany: Young Women’s Search for New Emotional Subjectivities, 1946–50, Journal of Social History (2022)
Journal Article: Suffrage scrapbooks and emotional histories of women’s activism, Women’s History Review (2022)
Life writing research guide, Churchill Archives Centre
Article: The radical history of scrapbooks – and why activists still use them today, The Conversation
Seminar paper: Scrapbooking in the family: histories of Royal Family scrapbooking
during the twentieth century, ‘The Books that Bring Us Together’ Seminar Series
Podcast producer: Meeting Skye Watton, Director of Ploughing the Fields with Poetry
Podcast producer: Churchill Archives Centre History Day 2021 Podcast: the urban environment
TV Appearance: Interview on Michael Portillo’s Great British Railway Journeys
Blog Post: Scrapbooks and suffrage work: personal collecting and the campaign for the vote, Girton College, Cambridge
Blog Post: Remembering and researching the Women’s Land Army in Cornwall, Bodmin Keep, Cornwall
Blog Post: Remembering Florence Horsbrugh on International Women’s Day, Churchill College Archives
Presentation: “We are not ladies who lunch!”: The founders of Lucy Cavendish College, Lucy Cavendish College Benefactors’ & Legators celebration
Presentation: Pick for Britain and the ‘rediscovery’ of the Women’s Land Army?, Karmarama breakfast planning meeting.
Blog series: Women’s Timber Corps photograph of the month
Blog Post: Suffrage scrapbooks: forgotten histories of political activism, British Library
Blog Post: New Year’s Eve message reflecting on commemoration of the Women’s Land Army in 2020
TV Appearance: Interview on BBC Breakfast on the work of the Women’s Land Army
TV Appearance: Interview on BBC News Channel for VE Day
Pre-Covid: Talks to archives, history, and women’s groups on the work of the Women’s Land Army.
Talks to archives, history, and women’s groups on the work of the Women’s Land Army.
Blog Post: Using scrapbooks as historical sources, Historical Association blog
Presentation: Fighting loneliness with technology, Research and Policy Hub, Campaign to End Loneliness
Lecture & Online Exhibition: Women’s scrapbooks on political and diplomatic activity, Churchill History Lecture Series.
TV Appearance: Britain’s Poppies: The First World War Remembered
Poetry Reading: Armistice 100 Remembrance Day Service, National Memorial Arboretum
Presentation: Girl Power, International Day of the Girl event, Norwich Castle
Presentation: Global Professional Speakers Series, Syracuse University, London
TV Appearance: Interview for Heir Hunters discussing the role of the Auxiliary Territorial Service in the Second World War.
Newsletter Interview: Royal Historical Society interview on Undergraduate Public History Prize
TV Appearance: Interview for Heir Hunters discussing the role of the Women’s Land Army in the Second World War.
Blog Post: Florence Horsbrugh’s First World War National Kitchen’s Scrapbook
Blog Post – The end of a three year rollercoaster ride
Paper – Fellings, Photos, and Feelings: The Experience, Representation, and Memory of the Women’s Timber Corps (WTC).
Online Interview – This Cambridge Life
Radio Interview – BBC Radio Cambridgeshire on the Women’s Land Army
Blog Post – Belonging and Transgression Conference Presentation
Television Appearance – Heir Hunters
I participated in an interview for a feature on the Women’s Land Army for BBC Heir Hunters. The team tracked down Eileen Joan Berry, a Land Girl who worked in Warwickshire during the Second World War. As part of the team’s research into her family, I discussed the type of work women undertook and how Eileen’s work on the land was a complete change from her pre-war occupation as a invoice clerk.
Blog Post – A response to the papers presented at The University in the Antropocene: Higher Education and Community Engagement in Environmental Management. Published on the GEES network website; a teaching-focused resource for academics in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Norfolk County Council’s Low Carbon Norfolk blog.
Paper – The University in the Anthropocene: Higher Education and Community Engagement in Environmental Management
Bright Futures: Partnerships between Universities, Scholars, and Schools for Environmental and Social Sustainability at the University of Exeter for the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2015.
Presented in partnership with Becca Farnum.
Blog Post – Lucy Cavendish College: 50 facts for 50 years
Presentation – The First World War Women’s Land Army
A 5-minute snapshot talk at Lucy Cavendish College, in honour of International Women’s Day.
Article – Sustainable education: a case study of environmental residentials in Norfolk
A piece written by Rebecca Farnum and Cherish for ‘Beyond 2015’, exploring university engagement with environmental residential programmes.
This dialogue is a companion to Cherish’s presentation to Beyond 2015, addressing Question 4: What partnerships should universities establish to achieve their objectives?
Prezi – Bright Futures: A Norfolk Case-Study
Article – My Journey Into Business: Why I Would Never Look Back
Prezi – A visual journey of Cherish’s journey into business.
Television Appearance – Discussing the birth of the World War One Women’s Land Army on Countryfile
Radio Interview – Energy Education Celebration Event
Cherish was invited to present at the Energy Education Celebration Event at Oxburgh Hall on the 25th November 2013. Cherish presented on her journey into business and how participating in the eFutures programme at Northgate High School and Dereham Sixth Form College led her to set up in business as an eco-consultant. Cherish shared her experiences live on BBC Radio Norfolk.
Presentation – Myths and Sustainable Development Thinking
A collaborative activity presented by Cherish, Heli Gittins and Shone Surendran at the National Sustainable Schools Conference 2013, Baden Powell Conference Centre
Video – A video summary of their presentation.
Presentation – Entrepreneurship with a green focus. Social media in teaching
A presentation by Cherish and Malene Melbye exploring their work on the international partnership project, VENN at the Learning Beyond The Classroom, VENN Conference, Dahlske School, Norway.
Presentation – My Skills and Experiences in Running A Green Business
A Prezi presented by Cherish at the SEEd Policy Forum
Article – What does the green economy mean for you?
A piece written for young people exploring the opportunities which the green economy can hold for their future.
Letter – In Praise of the Women’s Land Army
A letter written by Cherish Watton and Dr David Wilson on the Women’s Land Army published in the September 2012 edition of BBC History magazine.
Article – Opening of the Sheringham Shoal Wind Farm
Cherish’s recount of attending the opening of the Sheringham Shoal Wind Farm by the Crown Prince of Norway.
Radio Interview – Women’s Land Army
Cherish was interviewed by Katie Martin on BBC Radio Solent, discussing the World War Two Women’s Land Army.